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Four Lifestyle Factors That May Affect Your Teeth

You've heard that sugary, overly processed diets and lax oral hygiene can damage teeth, but a lot of other factors (such as lifestyle, health, and even genetic factors) can also affect how healthy your teeth are. Here are four lifestyle factors that you may not have realized were affecting your teeth.

1. Sleep Position

Did you know that sleeping on your back may contribute to sleep apnea, a common cause of nighttime tooth grinding? Conversely, if you grind your teeth at night but don't have sleep apnea, sleeping on your back may be the best position to reduce grinding and clenching.So if you suspect you grind your teeth at night, you may want to get a sleep study done to find out if you have sleep apnea or not. This can help clarify so you can decide on the best sleep position for you.Some dentists will simply prescribe a night guard for grinding. But while a night guard protects your enamel from excess wear at night, it doesn't avoid stressing your gums when you clench and grind your teeth. So taking a multipronged approach to the issue may be best.

2. Stress Levels

Many people carry excess tension in their shoulders, neck, and jaw region. This often leads to clenched teeth throughout the day, which can transfer to teeth grinding at night as well. But even if you just clench your jaw during the day, you may still be unconsciously stressing your jaws and wearing down your enamel.Other ways high stress levels can damage your teeth include:

Making you statistically more likely to snack and less likely to cook healthy meals

Making you feel like you don't have as much time to spend on oral hygiene

Causing acid reflux, which can erode your teeth and cause cavities

Leading to complications such as dehydration and dry mouth

If you've noticed an influx of stress in your life recently, be aware that it could wreak havoc on your oral health. To avoid this negative impact, try refocusing on oral hygiene and adding de-stressing habits to your daily routine.  

3. Caffeine and Beverage Habits

You likely already know that sugar-filled beverages are bad for your teeth. But even straight black coffee or a coffee or tea latte without sugar can damage your teeth if you sip it slowly all day (caffeinated or not). Coffee is acidic, so it can damage tooth enamel, and lactose (milk sugar) in a latte can feed cavity-causing bacteria. In fact, a cup of milk has 12 grams of lactose.Caffeinated beverages also have the potential to harm oral health in other ways. For example, caffeine is a diuretic so it can cause you to become slightly more dehydrated, and it can dry your mouth out slightly (meaning there's less helpful saliva to neutralize acids and carry minerals to teeth). Tannins in coffee and tea can stain teeth, and coffee can cause bad breath.

4. Gum Chewing Habits

Chewing gum can, in theory, affect oral health in either a positive or a negative way. First off, it can affect your oral health positively (assuming you're using sugar-free gum) because it helps get saliva flowing, which keeps your oral environment neutral in PH and rich in minerals. And if you use xylitol-containing gum after eating, it may even reduce plaque formation.On the other hand, if you chew gum constantly, it may contribute to jaw tension, which can translate into a negative effect: increased tooth grinding at night. And if you have TMJ, you should consult your dentist before taking up a chewing gum habit.These four lifestyle habits may not be as obvious as a sugary diet or a smoking habit or failing to brush your teeth, but they can still have decided repercussions on your oral health.

by Sunrise Dental

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Five Ways Poor Oral Hygiene is Making You Sick

It should come as no surprise that your oral hygiene is important. But just how integral it is to your everyday health could surprise you. Sufferers of poor oral health or dental diseases could be experiencing a range of symptoms from pain and insomnia to malnutrition and even some cancers. It can also require time off work, negatively affect your studies and create a wide spectrum of problems for your mental health.

Here we've put together five of the more common ways poor dental hygiene can negatively affect your health. We strongly advise that if you are suffering from any of the problems below, or you are experiencing gum inflammation or tooth pain, that you seek medical attention immediately.

1.     Poor oral hygiene can make you depressed

Researchers at Deakin University recently linked poor dental health to depression. Their research, based on a survey of more than 10,000 Americans, found not only a connection between dental health and depression but also that the worse your dental health became the more your depressive state was intensified.  “Not only did we find a connection between dental health and depression, we also demonstrated that a dose-response exists between the two conditions, meaning that the more dental conditions one had the greater the severity of their depression,” said Deakin's Adrienne O'Neil, M.D.

This relationship remained even when tested against other factors such as high body mass index (BMI) or an elevated level of CRP, a protein found in blood plasma, that when elevated is used as a general marker of inflammation in the body.

The relationship between poor dental health and depression is a complicated one. Typically, depression is seen as a precursor to poor dental health. Those suffering from mental illness are often at an increased risk of substance abuse or face limited economic resources making dental health care problematic. Stress related disorders, such as teeth grinding or dry mouth, also result in damage to your jaw and enamel.

"The relationship between dental health and depression is not well understood, with previous studies investigating poor dental health as a by-product of depression, rather than a precursor," Dr O'Neil said.

"Although the results of this study provide only a snapshot of this association, they add to emerging theories around the importance of oral health and bacteria in mental health ... if poor dental health is a risk factor for depression, this may have implications for depression management, as well as depression prevention from a public health perspective."

From a self-esteem perspective though, poor dental hygiene could cause you to shy away from social situations; inhibit you in the pursuit of your career; and cause pain and sleeplessness that can negatively affect your mood.

The US department of Health and Human Services  notes that both: “a tendency to avoid social contact as a result of concerns over facial appearance… [and]… persistent pain has similar isolating and depressing effects.”

2.     Poor dental health could cause your heart to suffer

Researchers aren't sure why but people with gum disease are twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease. Some hypothesise that the inflammation could increase your risk of blood clots that can trigger heart attacks.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine warned that excessive sugar – not just fat and salt – could cause heart disease. The article stated that a link between poor oral health and cardiovascular disease (CVD) had been demonstrated to have a “convincing evidence base”.

Gum disease, often prompted by excessive sugar consumption, can cause an inflammatory response leading to CVD through a process called atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, the paper says.

3.     Poor oral health could affect your diet

The National Survey of Adult Heath (2004-6) found that 17.4 per cent of the population avoided foods because of dental problems. Besides causing potential damage to your social life, this could cause sufferers to avoid healthy grains and proteins necessary for good nutrition. The kind of pain that sufferers report is varied with everything from minor tooth decay to sinus infections being capable of resulting in pain either during or after eating. While it's not uncommon for people to report some pain after excessive sugar consumption or to experience sensitivity to hot or cold foods, prolonged or sharp pain when chewing is not normal. If you're experiencing this kind of pain you could be suffering from tooth decay, a loose filling and physical damage to your tooth (like a fracture), nerve damage, or the inflammation/infection of pulp tissue inside the tooth.

4.     Poor oral health can worsen your diabetes

Studies have found very strong connections between diabetes and your oral health. But there's some evidence to suggest gum disease could prevent you from regulating your blood sugar levels, exacerbating your existing condition. More prevalent is research showing a heightened risk of oral health problems for diabetes sufferers. The higher your blood sugar level, the greater the supply of sugars and starches – every tooth's worst enemy. This heightened supply can initially result in cavities, but diabetes sufferers also more prone to infection – resulting in a higher rate of gingivitis and advanced gum disease (periodontitis).

5.     Pregnant women could be at risk of poor oral hygiene

A study from the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine found links between periodontitis (a serious gum infection) and both premature pregnancy and low birth weight. Due to hormonal changes, pregnancy itself can result in an increased risk of gingivitis with over 70% of pregnant women having some instance of the condition during the gestational period. If left untreated gingivitis can become periodontitis (a serious gum infection), which increases the risks of premature birth, low birth weight, pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Regular morning sickness and frequent snacking during pregnancy could place you at higher risk. It's advised that you closely watch your oral health during pregnancy taking special care to avoid high-sugar foods and drinks. If morning sickness is a problem, it's advised that you don't brush your teeth immediately after bouts of illness as this can wear away at the enamel. Alternatively, rinse your mouth out with water and wait 30 minutes before grabbing the toothpaste and toothbrush.

by Shore Dental

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Five Signs Your Gums Need Help

Dental health is important. Many may associate cavities with poor dental health, and although cavities are a common concern, another concern that almost half of adults over 30 will experience is gum disease. The risks increase from there, with older adults reaching as much as a 70% rate of gum disease. Thankfully this curable preventable condition is treatable. But first you need to know if you have it! Here are 5 signs your gums need help.

Bad Breath

Everyone wants fresh breath, and will do a lot of things to achieve that. Mouthwash, gum, candies, anything that will make our breath smell minty fresh. This may cover up bad breath for a time, but it won’t touch the cause of the bad breath. If you experience consistently bad breath despite careful oral hygiene, ask your dentist to help you figure out if there is an underlying cause, and what that may be. Bad breath can be a sign of many things, but it is also one of the signs your gums need help.


If your gums are swollen, red, this may be an indicator something is wrong, but it may also be a sign your gums need help. Gum disease that is advancing may show itself through redness, swelling, and event discomfort. Don’t worry though, Gingivitis, an earlier form of gum disease is entirely reversible through excellent oral hygiene. Ask your dentist what you can do if you’re exhibiting early signs of gum disease.

Tenderness or Bleeding

Followed by the inflammation and redness, your gums may feel tender, and even bleed when you floss or brush. This is another sign your gums need help. If your gums are exhibiting these symptoms, ask your dentist what you can do to fight gum disease.

Painful or Loose Teeth

Gums receding can cause teeth to be loose, or even painful, as the protection of the gums around your teeth slowly goes away. At this point it is possible you may be experiencing a more advanced form of gum disease, periodontitis. If you are experiencing these symptoms, get to your dentist right away to find out how to cure your gum disease.


As gums recede and more tooth surface area is exposed, especially around the roots and nerves, tooth sensitivity may increase. This is another sign your gums need help. If you experience tooth sensitivity, even if it isn’t gum disease, it can be an indicator something is wrong. Listen to your body and check in with your dentist to determine the cause and appropriate treatment for your situation.

by White Dental Care

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The Ten Worst Beverages for Your Teeth


Taking care of your oral hygiene goes beyond simple brushing and flossing habits. It’s about avoiding bad habits that affect your teeth, like nicotine, drugs, and certain foods and beverages.

Yes, even what you drink can play a part in how healthy your teeth are.

Knowing the worst drinks for your teeth can help you either kick the habit or take better care of your teeth after enjoying the beverage! Here are ten of the worst beverages for your teeth and the answers to your questions about drinks and teeth health.

Sugary Drinks and Other Dangers to Your Oral Health

So many of our drinks today are ladened with sweeteners to the degree that we don’t even notice it anymore. Parents think they’re giving their toddlers the healthier option by pushing away colas in favor of Sprite or fruit punch drinks. While yes, they are avoiding the caffeine, they are still harming their teeth and other parts of the body with sugar-loaded beverages.

Instead of an occasional treat, sweet tea, soda, and artificial or fresh juice have become a part of our daily lives. In addition to the caloric and preservative damages to the body, this is not healthy for our teeth.

The bacteria that is already naturally in your mouth eats the sugar you consume. What happens when you eat food? It gives you energy. 

When bacteria get energy, they produce acid that stays in your mouth unless you take care of it right away. The result? Cavities and enamel erosion.

Drop the Drink and Find a Better Option for These Teeth-Harming Beverages

If you’re like most people, you wonder about certain drinks, such as: Is tea bad for your teeth, or what is the worst soda for your teeth. Those are commonly known as unhealthy beverages all around, but what about the sneakier ones?

Even fresh juice has sugar in it – a lot of sugar, actually! It’s a natural sugar, so it’s healthier for your body to break down, but it’s still sugar.

Before you go shopping or choose your next beverage at a restaurant, check out this list of the ten worst beverages for your teeth:

1. Soda – The worst soft drinks for your teeth might surprise you. Soda in general is horrible for your teeth. In fact, consuming any carbonated and heavily sugar-laden soda regularly can cause as much damage to your teeth as using cocaine or meth.Still, if you feel that you must drink soda, stay away from the dark ones. They deteriorate the cosmetic appearance of your teeth by discoloring them, on top of damaging the enamel, as all sodas do. To answer the question of the worst soda for your teeth, it’s all of them.

2. Sugary Teas – Is tea bad for your teeth? Well, yes and no. Tea is actually a good thing for your teeth unless it has sugar in it. Brewed teas, like black and green unflavored varieties, can help reduce the bacteria and acid in your mouth. Until you add sugar and syrups to flavor the drink, tea is a good option.

3. Sport Drinks – It’s a common misconception for people to choose a sports drink like Powerade over soda and think they’re making a better choice. These beverages are high in sugar, although the electrolytes do make them good during physical activity. 

4. Alcohol – Any alcoholic drink is unhealthy in certain ways, but all of them are bad for your oral health. It dries out your mouth, reducing the saliva production, which is necessary to keep it healthy. Saliva prevents food particles from hanging out around your teeth, washing them down and away from bacteria. Is beer bad for your teeth? Yes, but wine and other options aren’t much better.

5. Juice – Fresh juice is your best choice health-wise, but be cautious about how you take care of your teeth after drinking it. One glass of apple or orange juice contains almost as much sugar as a glass of soda. It’s a natural sugar so your body handles it better, but it still feeds bacteria.

6. Coffee – Similar to tea, coffee can be good for your teeth if you don’t doctor it up. Straight coffee can stain your teeth’s enamel, but doesn’t have sugar in it to cause cavities. However, it’s the stuff you put in it to make it so delicious that becomes the problem.

7. Milk – Is milk bad for your teeth? No. And yes. Surprised? The beverage that is advertised as necessary for strong teeth and bones is also on the list of worst drinks for your oral health. It’s true that you need the calcium that comes in milk for your teeth and bones to grow. But lactose, a key ingredient in milk, is sugar. Go ahead and drink your milk, but be sure to brush after.

8. Energy Drinks – These are increasing in popularity today with every age group, but they are horrible for your health in general and teeth in particular. Energy drinks are full of sugars that decay your teeth. They also have a lot of other ingredients that run your body down, making it harder for it to fight the bacteria that is attacking your enamel.

9. Sparkling Water – How can water be harmful to your teeth? Well, sparkling water is not as innocent as it looks. This beverage has a pH level of somewhere between 2.74 and 3.34, making it overly acidic. It can erode your teeth faster than an acidic drink like orange juice.

10. Fruit Punch – This is a generic name for any artificial fruit juice. Unlike the fresh juice counterpart, these drinks are full of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Even if the drink contains vitamins and minerals, they are neutralized with the excessive imitation ingredients. They also have a pH level under 3, an acidic no-no for your teeth.

On top of avoiding these sugary and unhealthy drinks, make sure you take care of your teeth by getting regular checkups.

by Supremia Dentistry

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What Your Dentist Wants You To Do After You Eat

Many people ask the question: Is brushing your teeth after you eat good for you? Well, the general consensus is, if the food or drink you consume is high in carbohydrates and sugars, you should brush immediately after.

This is in order to remove harmful bacteria in your mouth that can attack tooth enamel within the first twenty minutes after eating a meal or snack.

However, it has been proven that brushing your teeth immediately after eating can sometimes affect tooth enamel. This is the case if you’ve consumed food or drink that’s highly acidic, meaning you shouldn’t brush your teeth for at least 30 mins.

Never fear though, a good preventative measure is to brush your teeth before eating or drinking something acidic and drinking a glass of water afterwards to remove the harmful acids.

Proper oral hygiene is essential to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. At Pimpama City Dental Centre, our caring dentists offer expert advice on proper oral health.


One of the best ways to improve oral hygiene is to limit your intake of harmful food and drinks.

Below is a list of food and drinks you should only consume in moderation (or not at all):





Carbonated drinks

Fruit juice


Dried fruits

Potato chips

Flavored coffee drinks


Aside from visiting your dentist twice a year, there are several healthy habits you can follow at home to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Brush two to three times a day (preferably after meals)

Use fluoridated toothpaste

Brush thoroughly for two to three minutes

Limit sugary foods/drinks & acidic drinks (soft drink, fruit juices & cordials)

Floss your teeth once a day

Wear a mouthguard whilst playing sport

Only use your teeth for chewing food

By following these healthy habits, you give your teeth and gums the best chance of avoiding bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay. Oral health is not only important for your mouth, it’s directly related to heart health.

by Dr Valda Jing

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Seven Reasons Why Kids Need to Floss

Flossing is an often-overlooked step of an oral health routine, yet flossing every day is key to preventing tooth decay and gum disease — not to mention the increased risk of other health issues that it can lead to later in life.

While your children may not like flossing every day, there are many reasons why so many dentists urge their patients to do it at least once a day. Dr. Allie Miller of Pediatric Dentistry of Winter Park in Winter Park, FL wants you to know the top 7 reasons your children should floss every day.

1. It prevents bad breath

Our mouths are full of mostly harmless bacteria but when they build up between teeth, the acids they produce causes bad breath. Removing the bacteria and leftover food particles from between teeth by flossing will prevent bad breath and help your gums stay healthy.

2. It prevents cavities

That bacteria we just mentioned: Did you know that over 500 different species of it live in mouths? Many of them cause cavities and like to live in the hard-to-reach spaces between teeth.

3. It reduces their risk of gum disease

The bacteria also causes gum disease. What starts out as just a little blood when they floss can turn into swollen gums and loose teeth without you even noticing other symptoms. Removing plaque from between teeth by flossing regularly is an important step in keeping gum disease from progressing.

4. Gum disease is directly linked to serious health problems

Gum disease can also negatively impact overall health in serious ways. New studies are finding links between gum disease and heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease, and it has already been linked to low birth weight. Help them to avoid gum disease and the serious medical problems that can come with it by stressing regular brushing and flossing.

5. Brushing alone only gets 60% of the plaque off of teeth

While brushing is important to oral health, almost half of the plaque that needs to be removed cannot be reached by brushing alone. Around 40% of plaque is actually between teeth and cannot be removed by brushing. Flossing, or some other form of interdental cleaning, is the only way to remove this hard-to-reach plaque.

6. Flossing saves YOU money in the long run

By preventing gum disease, cavities, and bad breath, flossing can help save you money by preventing them from needing complex, painful, and expensive dental procedures. The simplest and most inexpensive way to prevent oral health problems is with regular brushing and flossing.

7. Their dental team will be proud of them (and you)

Your dentist and hygienists can tell when they’ve actually been flossing regularly! Dr. Allie wants parents to be partners in helping children to take their oral hygiene and health seriously. So to score some extra points at their dental visit and avoid both of you getting the flossing lecture, make sure you help them clean between their teeth every day. 

by Dr Allie Miller

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Ten Signs You May Require Urgent Dental Care

Here are just a few signs that you need immediate emergency dental care in Simpsonville.

Toothache that won’t go away – If your tooth hurts for more than 1-2 days and seems to be getting worse, it may be infected. You need to see Dr. Cash to get treatment, such as a root canal, and avoid further complications.

Loose or pulled-out dental work – If you lose a filling or crown, the tooth material underneath may be more vulnerable to decay and damage, so you need to have it replaced right away. 

Cracked, chipped, or broken tooth – Even a minor crack or chip could cause hidden damage and put you at risk of a tooth infection, so you need to get help to restore your tooth and relieve your pain and discomfort right away.

Loose tooth – If your tooth is loose due to oral trauma, such as a slip and fall, or due to advanced gum (periodontal) disease, you need to see Dr. Cash to get treatment such as tooth splinting right away, and save it.

Knocked-out tooth – This is a pretty obvious dental emergency. You need to have your tooth replaced and splinted immediately, preferably within 1 hour (2 hours at most) to have the best chance of replacing it.

Cuts & lacerations to oral tissue – If an oral injury has resulted in deep cuts to your cheeks, gums, tongue, or other oral tissue, and the bleeding does not slow within 30-45 minutes, you may need emergency care to stitch these injuries and ensure they heal properly.

Gums bleeding for no reason – Gums bleeding for no reason could indicate severe gum disease, which demands immediate treatment to ensure it does not get worse. Make an appointment right away.

Food or another object lodged between your teeth – It may not seem like a big deal, but any object lodged between your teeth could increase the risk of a gum infection or tooth abscess if it’s not removed. Don’t try to remove the object on your own if floss or a toothpick doesn’t work, as this could make the issue worse.

Swollen mouth or jaw – Serious swelling of your mouth or jaw could indicate an advanced abscess or infection, which could be life-threatening. Get emergency dental care right away.

Any kind of serious, unexplained oral pain – If your mouth hurts and you don’t know why, get help from Dr. Cash right away. Pain is your body’s way of saying something is wrong, so you need to get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as you can. 

by Pearl Dentals

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Seven Ways to Tell If You Are Living With An Infected Tooth

Are you suffering from a debilitating toothache? Perhaps you’ve noticed a little gum or jaw swelling, or your tooth seems to be a different color? It could be a serious tooth infection.

Your teeth are packed with nerves. That’s why a toothache, though it may only affect one part of your mouth, is excruciating. What’s more, the pain may sometimes be related to a deeper oral health issue.

If your tooth feels sore, sensitive, or you’re experiencing sharp pains in your mouth, you may have a tooth infection or a tooth abscess.

Why a tooth becomes infected

There are a number of causes of tooth infections. One of the most common causes is older root canals. When you have a root canal, your dental professional removes a nerve from the affected tooth. Unfortunately, bacteria can grow in that area, leading to an infection that your body struggles to fight off.

It’s important to recognize the signs of an infection, so you can seek immediate treatment.

How to tell if your tooth is infected

If you experience pain and extreme sensitivity when eating, you may have a tooth infection. The infection or abscess spreads out of the root tip, which causes the gum and bone to be affected. Sometimes the pulsating pain and throbbing may be so severe that pain medication does not relieve your aches. This could be because the infection has spread, and there’s more pressure on the gums and bones.

Your tooth has turned a darker color compared to your other teeth.

You’re experiencing swelling of your jaw, face, and surrounding lymph nodes. You may also have jaw pain from the swelling.

Your gum is swollen and filled with pus. The raised swelling may look similar to a pimple around your infected tooth. An open pimple called a draining fistula, ruptures and releases pus, which is a sure-fire sign of an infection.

A bad taste in your mouth or bad breath may also be an indicator of an infection.

Difficulty moving and opening your mouth may be another red flag. You may have a hard time moving or opening your mouth as a result of the pain and swelling.

You have a general feeling of unwellness. If the infection is severe, it can cause you to feel unwell and even develop a fever.

How to cure a tooth infection

If you suspect that your tooth is infected, you do have several options. One is to save the tooth with a root canal. Even if the infected tooth is the result of an old root canal, we may be able to re-treat it and remove the infection.

Alternatively, we can perform a surgical extraction to remove the infection and prevent a recurrence.

If your tooth, other than the infection, is healthy, prescription antibiotics may help get rid of the infection.

What you should do if your tooth is infected

If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned seven symptoms, and you notice a toothache or swelling getting worse, you need to seek treatment immediately.

Infections, or abscesses, are not something you should try to manage alone. They can spread to other areas of your body, causing a range of problems.

by Abington Center

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Mouth Injury Treatment: How to Treat A Cut In Your Mouth

What to know about a mouth injury treatment? A cut or a wound in your mouth can be caused by numerous different things. Often, children get a minor injury to the lips and mouth while playing, climbing, or partaking in sports events. Luckily, most of these damages can be managed at home with simple first-aid treatment. However, if you have an oral injury that affects your teeth and gums, check out this special gum surgery. MyHM Dentist’s clinic in Kellyville, NSW can help treat your injuries and make sure that there are no complications.

Mouth Injury

Mouth injury can be brought about by various internal things like biting your lips and external like dental treatment. While many mouth injuries need minimal medical care, others are serious and require emergency consideration. These incorporate direct head injury, deep lacerations to the inner cheek, tongue, gums, and related dental traumas.

Types of Mouth Injuries

Here are the following areas in which mouth injury commonly happens.


Frequently, dental accidents go inseparably with severe cuts inside the mouth. Some dental emergencies need immediate medical care. Others are more restorative and might be managed in a day or so.


Cuts of the tongue or within the cheeks are the most well-known form of mouth injury. Typically, because of unintentionally biting them during eating. Bites of the tongue infrequently need stitches. Although they expand to open a little, these mouth injuries usually heal quickly. If the edges meet up when the tongue is still, it requires no treatment.

Lower Lip

Mouth injury to the lower lip is typically brought about by the teeth. It happens when catching the lip between the top and bottom teeth while stumbling or falling. These mouth injuries do not go through the lip and do not need stitches except if the external damage is expanding.

Upper Lip

Injuries of the upper lip are common because of falls. The tissue connecting the upper lip to the gum is the frenulum. Also, a cut of the upper frenulum is exceptionally regular. It generally heals all alone and does need stitches. Nevertheless, it will rebleed each time you haul the lip out to look at it.

Serious Mouth Injury

Serious mouth injuries are those to the soft palate, tonsil, or back of the throat. Instances of these injuries include falling with a pencil or brushing teeth too hard. Stabbings here can cause a profound space infection in the neck. Additionally, head injury and other direct hits to the face may cause serious mouth injury.

Cuts in any part of the mouth may result in a lot of bleeding. However, most mouth injuries tend to heal quickly and are less likely to need stitches than other body areas.

Mouth Injury Treatment

This mouth injury treatment will serve as first aid for minor cuts and wounds.

To deal with cuts and wounds:

You need to be calmed. If it happens to your child, calm your kid and let them know you can help.

Apply pressure with a clean fabric or bandage for a few minutes to stop bleeding.

Then, wash your hands properly.

Mouth Injury Treatment: Outside Area

If the injury is on the lips or outside the space of the mouth, wash it well with soap and water whenever it has quit bleeding. Avoid scrubbing the wound. Eliminate any dirt particles from the affected part and let the water run over it for a few minutes. A dirty cut or injury that is not very much cleaned can result in scarring. Then:

Apply a disinfectant moisturizer or cream.

Use an ice cube or ice pop to suck on to help diminish bleeding and swelling.

Check the site daily and keep it spotless and dry.

Do not blow on the injury, as this can make germs develop.

Apply sunscreen on cured wounds to help forestall scarring.

Indeed, even minor cuts on the lips may cause an apparent contrast in the boundary or layout of the lips. These injuries may need stitches to keep the lines even and lessen the chance of scars. Cuts that occur toward the side of the mouth where the upper and lower lips meet up can have severe bleeding.

Mouth Injury Treatment: Inside Area

If the injury is inside the mouth, wash the region well with cool water for a few minutes. Eliminate any dirt particles from the site. Then:

Use also an ice cube or ice pop to suck on to help decrease bleeding and swelling.

Check the injury site every day and keep it clean.

Regardless of whether they show up huge, cuts and wounds within the mouth regularly heal all alone without stitches.

Wounds, blisters, or swelling on the lips brought about by injury might be treated by sucking on ice cubes or ice pops. You can also apply a cold compress to the area each one to two hours or 10 to 15 minutes for the initial 24 hours.

Preventing Mouth Injuries

Here are some particular approaches you can prevent mouth injuries:

Never run while holding something sharp.

Chew gradually to prevent biting your tongue or cheek, which is simpler to do when your mouth is swollen.

If you wear braces, follow safety directions from your dentist.

Avoid biting on pencils, pens, or fingernails.

Avoid using your teeth as scissors to open bottles and packages.

Wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports.

by Angel Palomares

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What to Expect When Getting a Dental Filling

A dental filling is used to restore and renew teeth that are in bad shape. Oftentimes, a general dentist will recommend a dental filling for patients who have a minor cavity, but the procedure can also be used to treat things like chips or cracks.

Regardless of what the dental filling is being used to treat, the procedure is relatively the same. Ready to learn more about what to expect from the dental filling procedure?

About the dental filling procedure

The following information outlines what patients should expect from a dental filling procedure. Although it is a relatively straightforward general dentistry procedure, there are a few important things to note. Keep reading to find out more.

The procedure

Knowing what to expect from a dental filling procedure can be very helpful to patients who are nervous or unsure about what the process entails.

During a dental filling procedure, the dentist will numb the area in the mouth where the tooth sits. Once the area is fully numbed, a dental drill will be used to remove the infected areas of the tooth. Then, the tooth will be thoroughly cleaned out to ensure that there is nothing harmful left behind. Lastly, the dentist will fill the tooth with the chosen material, which may be a silver amalgam, porcelain or another common dental material.

The final sealing of the tooth with the chosen material is done in order to prevent and protect against further damage, such as infections, cracks, chips or cavities.


A dental filling procedure is relatively simple and it has been performed by dentists for many years. Modern dentistry has allowed for minimal pain during the procedure. However, there are times when the patient may feel slight discomfort during or after the procedure.

Discomfort is common because a dental filling requires the removal of infected areas, which can be uncomfortable for the tooth and roots. Dentists will administer a numbing agent to help reduce any sensation. After the procedure, if there is significant pain, a pain management tool may be recommended, such as an over-the-counter medication.


One important thing to note about a dental filling procedure is that the patient is usually numbed. While it is not necessary to be numbed, most general dentists highly recommend it to avoid discomfort. When the dental filling takes place, the patient may not mind the numbness. However, many patients report that the feeling of numbness can be irritating after the procedure is over.

It is a good idea to be aware of the numbing part of the dental filling procedure beforehand. Being numbed can be a strange sensation, which may cause some anxiety before, during or even after the procedure. Talking with the dentist about any anxieties can be helpful.

by Machado Dental Center

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