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Dental Issues Could Be The Cause Of Your Bad Breath

Having bad breath can cause a negative impact on your daily life, affecting both your relationship with others and your self-esteem. Although this condition is easy to control, it still affects around 25% of the population.

Usually, it disappears after brushing your teeth or using a mouthwash. However, on some occasions doing so will only mask the odor or make it disappear for a brief period.

If this is your case, your bad breath could be related to dental issues instead of the food you eat.

In this article, we will discuss the relationship between bad breath and dental issues and explain how to solve it.

How does bad breath occur?

Halitosis, commonly referred to as bad breath, is caused by different factors.

Usually, it is caused by food that possesses strong smells, such as garlic and onion. After eating these types of food, the scent impregnates the oral cavity.

However, halitosis is also caused by bacteria involved in oral diseases. When food residues are left in the mouth, they begin decomposing as bacteria break them down.

Moreover, large amounts of bacteria present in different oral diseases, such as gums disease and infections, can produce an unpleasant odor.

Bad breath and oral diseases

Whenever there is an oral disease, there is enormous bacterial colonization behind it. The most common dental issues responsible for bad breath include conditions such as:

Gums disease: gingivitis and periodontitis are caused by tartar build-ups, which are made of a combination of proteins, minerals, and bacteria. Thereby, as long as the tartar is not removed, bad breath will not disappear.

Infections: abscesses and other oral infections possess large amounts of bacteria. When they remain confined inside the bone, they usually don’t produce odor. However, once they start draining into the mouth through the gums, the bad smell is released, and bad breath occurs.

Furthermore, it is also common to experience a type of infection called pericoronitis. It often develops when the third molars are erupting, causing pain, swollen gums around the tooth, and bad breath.

Dry mouth: saliva acts as the mouth’s natural defense system. It regulates its pH (acidity level), helps remove food leftovers after eating, and controls the bacteria population, keeping the flora at standard levels.

However, certain conditions and medicines can decrease saliva production, leading to dry mouth.


As there is not enough saliva, odor-producing bacteria are increased. Moreover, this results in the development of gums diseases, increasing bad breath.

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Unfortunately, brushing your teeth will only mask the odor. It is vital to attend dental consultation to undergo the appropriate treatment.

Luckily, most times, professional cleaning is enough to eliminate halitosis completely.

Although bad breath is a common condition that can impact daily life directly, affecting thousands worldwide, it can be easily prevented by maintaining good oral health.

If brushing your teeth is not helping you eliminate it, the cause is most likely related to a dental issue, such as gums disease. Make sure to book an appointment with your dentist, and he will get rid of your halitosis so you won’t have to worry about your breath anymore.

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